Suicide Prevention Coalition of Calhoun County
The mission of the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Calhoun County is to prevent all suicide deaths in our community. We care. You are important. You are worthy!
Working toward zero suicide deaths
The Suicide Prevention Coalition of Calhoun County (SPCCC) is a community partnership led by Summit Pointe with a mission to reduce the number of suicide deaths. SPCCC has aligned its goals with the State of Michigan and the Michigan Association for Suicide Prevention.
- EDUCATION – Increase community education, training, and awareness, framing suicide as a preventable public health issue.
- SUPPORT – Increase support for those directly impacted by suicide deaths, attempts, and thoughts.
- SAFETY – Promote lethal means reduction and safety.
- COMMUNITY-DRIVEN – Enhance state and local collaboration and improve data collection to ensure culturally responsive efforts and reflect community needs.
Get Involved
The SPCCC can provide suicide prevention training, resources, and consultation throughout Calhoun County.
- Follow on Social Media: - Register for Training, Groups, and Events: - Contact the Suicide Prevention Facilitator: Scott Teichmer at
269-249-8453 or

QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer.)
QPR is a 1-hour suicide prevention training that teaches participants the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
Key Components of Training:
- Learn the myths and facts about suicide
- Recognize the warning signs of suicide
- Know how to ask THE question
- Know how to offer hope
- Know how to get help and save a life

Support Group
Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group
3rd Wednesday of each month
6 pm – 7:30 pm
Willard Library Meeting Room
7 W. Van Buren St., Battle Creek, MI 49017
If you have experienced suicide loss, you are not alone. This peer support group is hosted by the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Calhoun County (SPCCC). Everyone in the group, including our facilitators, has experienced suicide loss and knows how devastating the experience can be.
This group is free to attend; walk-ins are welcome. For questions or more info, contact Scott at